This afternoon I listened as my new neighbor explained with excitement to her son about her morning sighting.
As I sat in my lawn chair I could hear through the fence my neighbor explaining how she witnessed three robins on her back railing this morning as she looked out her kitchen window.
She excitedly admitted to her son how she took over sixteen photos of the beautiful robins on her back deck.
Her Sunday morning coffee was something extra special she exclaimed.
For the past six years of living where she does and not once has she had a bird of any kind in her yard.
Made me smile to hear the excitement in her voice.
I too love birds.
Every home I have ever had there has always been a place designed to attract the birds…and they came ~ all different kinds.
Yesterday I filled the bird seed in my bird feeder in the “new to me backyard.”
I have heard the birds lately, but not seen them.
This morning,though, my neighbour did ❤️.
The seeds were set out…and the birds came.
*When we plant the seeds…set the intentions…we WILL attract.
What seeds are you planting this Sunday heading into a new week?
#sundaysentiments #intentions #attract #mindset #birds #joy #kolbe #coach #inspire #connect #fortitude #Tools4Success #facilitator #MakeTheMostWithYourMoments