Sunday selfcare selfie
January…the never ending month and today it’s minus gazillion!!!
I can get through a Saskatchewan winter and quite enjoy it when I’m able to be outside and partake in activities…this cold can get to a person.
So today I choose to focus on self-care Sunday.
💫 Slow and simple ~ winter provides us with this beautiful opportunity to remind us the importance of slowing down and going within to rest and recharge ~ we are not always meant to be go, go go!
💫 Senses ~ igniting them for heightened enjoyment. A candle lit that smells like my favourite place…”Lakeside Morning.”
Slow and deep breaths to allow the smell to carry me to my happy place ❤️.
💫Softness and snuggles ~ cozy blanket, cozy clothes and the cuddles of Gus are reminders to stay soft rather than become “crusty” amongst the conditions.
💫Soaking in ~ the sunlight from the window as it is shining today and looking forward to a bath before bed.
It’s not a tropical beach nor does it need to be.
Self care is essential in the place and space we find ourselves to be in the current moment ❤️.
Happy Sunday!
I hope you create sone ways to care for YOU today!