“It’s the little things.”
I am a huge advocate for bringing awareness to the little things and the powerful impact they can have on us ~ story time…
This little kitchen tool is one of my favorites ~ my lemon juicer I purchased from a beautiful, little shop in Port McNeill, BC.
ShopRite At Home
It reminded me of last year’s adventures out to the island where we were able to celebrate the launching of our book “The Me I Didn’t See.”
I love the island and look forward to many more adventures out that way.
I have been blessed to connect with wonderful people willing to be vulnerable and share in order to connect and create something bigger to put out into the world to do good for others.
I have accomplished several goals, met new faces and been to many places and that makes me smile REALLY big!!
Too often we forget or deny giving ourselves credit for the hard work, the difficult decisions or the choice made to continue in a direction perhaps that others didn’t or don’t understand…
From dipping my toes in the ocean to a complete polar bear plunge, backyard stories shared with Carrie Mckenzie-Scollon parents to book signings at Chapters; life is full of amazing moments created this prairie girl never imagined …and I reflect, smile and continue to dream of new adventures as I prepare dinner in my kitchen all thanks to my little lemon juicer purchase ♥️.