“Cheers” to the Dads today!
You truly are super heroes with super powers to those that believe you’re so cool just for being you ❤️.
No matter how the connection occurs never doubt the impact or how truly important you are to the people in your life.
My kids were blessed with one of the greatest to walk this earth.
Being a Daddy was his greatest gift!!
As I look at these pictures it’s so evident just how much time has passed.
The kids were so little.
This June brought Payton’s grade 12 graduation, 11 year anniversary of Clinton’s passing and today Father’s Day.
Celebrations and memories all with a bit of a sting.
So much, so quickly and yet moments that have stopped the hands of time.
Hug your Dad today, hug someone else‘s Dad. Dads are super special, super important with amazing super powers ❤️.
